Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Hey! I'm not going any where yet!!"

...I hear this comment on a regular basis and I know how you feel. I have felt the same way myself and maybe still do to some degree. You may think we are going to jinx ourselves for even touching on the subject. However this is what we have found...Those that take the time to pre-arrange feel very comfortable with the knowledge they have taken a huge burden off of there loved ones. Plus as a bonus they probably saved a buck or two along the way! You can't take it with you so why not spend it wisely! Do it now with out all the pressures of grief, guilt and sorrow marring your decisions??

Guilt? Did you say guilt?? Yes...guilt. To many times families come to us after the death of a loved one and over spend for this reason. IE: They may not have had a chance to say goodbye, there was an argument prior to the death, they felt they owed them for something that did not get paid back or any other hundreds of reasons that lead to a stressful relationship.

What does this do to the beneficiaries of an estate or life insurance policy? Many times it leaves a spouse or children with out enough money to continue the life style they were accustomed too. Many times it means selling off belongings or even a home to cover other final expenses such as hospital and doctor bills. Not a pretty site when your sitting on the other side of the table from that family explaining to them that they have to pay for this funeral service and internment that day .

We'll discuss the actual expenses of a funeral in the next post..until then make it a great day because we are only given so many.


Monday, June 14, 2010

How many think pre-planning is a good idea?

No, it's not the most comfortable subject to discuss however statistics show that more than 80% of americans think planning in advance is a good idea. Even more importantly more than 85% of children want there parents to plan in advance!

What are the four major reasons to pre-arrange?
1) Removes burden from the ones you love
2) Eliminates emmotional over spending
3) Locks in a price forever
4) Peace of Mind

Remove Burden from Loved Ones: Have you had to deal with a death in the family and make these tough decisions? Here is a tough question...If somebody died in your immediate family yesterday; what would you be doing today?

Eliminate Emotional Overspending - When you have to make the final decisions people will spend to much for two reasons...Guilt or just didn't know what the love one really wanted.

Gaurantee A Price Forever: Funeral arrangements double in price about every ten years. Do you want to leave that financial burden behind for your loved ones?

Peace of Mind: It's a huge responsibility, take care of it now so when your emmotions are running high, your running on no sleep and under a lot of stress all you have to do is hug your family and friends.

Need more information? Get in touch @ jeffbeeman247@gmail.com and I'll be back in touch ASAP!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why would I want to pre-plan a funeral?

Let me start by asking you a very difficult question...If there had been a death in your family yesterday, what would you be doing today? Many can not answer that question or at the very least answer it lik this... " I suppose calling family or friends?"

Are you aware there 67 things that have to be done when somebody passes away? Are you aware these things all have to be done in about a 48-72 hour window? Things like...
Notifying the funeral director
Insurance company
Newspaper for the obituary

Decisions that have to be made if not pre-arranged are ...
Selecting the funeral home
Burial property
Plus collecting all documents and vital statistics!

Then last but not least of all this is that it has to be paid before a burial, cremation or entombment can happen. You see when you pre-arrange it can be paid off over time but when it's a "AT NEED" situation it has to be paid in full at that time.

Why would you want to pre-plan? Could be for financial savings or just peace of mind but what ever the reason it is a good decision to make. We will continue to explore this difficult but much needed service in the following days, weeks and months ahead.

Enjoy your day as we are only given so many!