Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why would I want to pre-plan a funeral?

Let me start by asking you a very difficult question...If there had been a death in your family yesterday, what would you be doing today? Many can not answer that question or at the very least answer it lik this... " I suppose calling family or friends?"

Are you aware there 67 things that have to be done when somebody passes away? Are you aware these things all have to be done in about a 48-72 hour window? Things like...
Notifying the funeral director
Insurance company
Newspaper for the obituary

Decisions that have to be made if not pre-arranged are ...
Selecting the funeral home
Burial property
Plus collecting all documents and vital statistics!

Then last but not least of all this is that it has to be paid before a burial, cremation or entombment can happen. You see when you pre-arrange it can be paid off over time but when it's a "AT NEED" situation it has to be paid in full at that time.

Why would you want to pre-plan? Could be for financial savings or just peace of mind but what ever the reason it is a good decision to make. We will continue to explore this difficult but much needed service in the following days, weeks and months ahead.

Enjoy your day as we are only given so many!

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