Friday, July 2, 2010

Where to Pre-plan in Lafayette, IN

The transition has begun. I wont mention park names due to liability reasons how ever, I felt the need to post about the huge opportunities we will now have in and around the Lafayette, IN area. The company I work for is in the process of buying a new property (new to us) and I will be working there full time by the end of next week. I will also have the responsibility to help with the current property I work at now.

What does that mean to the families in our market area? Lots of options! Our families will be able to exchange or move space between parks if needed, get credit for existing memorials for upgrades as needed plus much, much more. I'm excited to be working with these companies but even happier that we can offer so much to so many for a "Pre-Need" or "At Need" situation.

Let's take a quick look at Funeral expenses. Why do you want to go ahead and make this investment now? Because with in ten years the price on average doubles! Yes doubles!

Right now premium space is selling from $1000 - $2500 in some parks. Maybe more in bigger market area's like a Chicago or New York. Ours currently range from $795 - $1000

The average cost of a traditional burial today is $10,000 - ! That's funeral service, casket, vault, space, opening and closing of grave and Memorial (Headstone)

Cremation can be less expensive and is a popular alternative but if your going to have the cremains put into a mausoleum niche or ground space your still talking up to $5,000. Many do not know this but if your going to have cremains put in the ground at a cemetery you still have to have an outer burial container. No, you don't just dig a hole pour them in and set a little plaque on top.

Cremation is an area I'm still learning more about and I do not want to miss represent the information but I do know this...You can not sprinkle ashes just any where! You can not go into a cemetery and just throw them on top of another grave. You can not sprinkle ashes in your back yard with out paperwork and a permit. Why? If you sell the property the new owner has the legal right to know there are human remains in or on the property. More on this subject in future posts.

To finish my thought's on Funeral expenses I go back to the Life Insurance policy. Is yours enough to cover these basic expenses and help your family maintain there life style after you pass? Get your final arrangements paid for now, on a payment plan if needed. Lock in today's prices and let the Life Insurance be just that...Insurance for the living.

Make it a great day because we only have so many to work with!

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